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Meet Lauren

Director and Instructor

"Hi! My name is Lauren Rackham, I am 30 years old and I am the director and instructor on No Limits Norfolk. Here's a brief description about myself!


My brother, Daniel, has complex autism and limited speech, he is my absolute best friend and inspiration of No Limits Norfolk. My wonderful parents home schooled Daniel for many years, before he attended complex needs school full time. With their passion and dedication, this allowed him to develop speech, decrease sensory overloads and enhance his communication and eye contact. Since then, I have wanted to break down the barriers of the arts and open an accessible environment, where individuals with additional needs can enjoy movement and music. 


I have trained in dance since I was 6, and studied inclusion and care since I was 18, working in various complex needs schools and care facilities, creating sensory and inclusive productions, teaching inclusive dance workshops and supporting additional needs 1:1. 


Amongst other qualifications, I am a level 2 BSL Signer and continuing on to further levels. I qualified as a ParaDanceUK instructor in 2021, where I opened our first weekly community class. From September 2022, No Limits Norfolk now has a full timetable and works across schools and organisations across Norfolk. I will always thrive on how we can open opportunities and encourage further accessibility for all our current and future members. No Limits Norfolk is a dream come true! 

Instructor and Director - Lauren Rackham

Our Support Team

Meet our wonderful staff who support our members within our community classes.


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